Leadership in Europe
The Educational Leadership Network Europe is a committed community of education stakeholders working to enhance collaborative school leadership in Europe. It has the ultimate goal of improving the learning outcomes for students and is founded on the conviction that quality education is at the heart of social progress.
This Europe-wide, ever-growing network is currently composed of more than 60 member organisations from 25 countries at the European, national, regional, and local levels. These ELNE members represent the voices of thousands of education employers, teachers, school heads, parents, students, researchers, policymakers...
The ELNE is a 4-year project set up under the Erasmus+ framework of the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, which aims to provide its community with a platform to 1) showcase educational research, practices, and social programmes; 2) connect with other stakeholders and break the silos; and 3) get inspired and empowered to shape the future of education.
European Educational Leadership Week
The European Educational Leadership Week (EELW) is a week-long online forum made up of dynamic and innovative webinars. These are collaboratively organised by the ELNE partners, associated networks, and other national organisations and universities, where educational research, school best practices, and ongoing policy work are shared with a wide audience of stakeholders in a live format, actively engaging in the conversation.
As part of the ELNE Community, you will have access to a wide variety of content such as the ELNE webinars, Journals, multimedia, events, exclusive updates and much more! You will also be able to participate in forums that will allow you to connect with all types of education stakeholders across Europe.
If you are an individual, you can sign up directly in the website. Once you have signed up, you will have your own ELNE profile, which you will be able to customise. If you would like for your organisation to become an Associated Partner of the ELNE, contact us here.
Join the ELNE Community now and let's shape the future of education together!